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FloMUN 2024


Environmental Committee

Topic 1: Combatting ocean acidification as a result of high levels of carbon dioxide emissions

Research Guide

Topic 2: Discussing the environmental and health impacts from the overuse of chemical fertilizers

Research Guide 

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HRC - Human Rights Committee

Topic 1: The issue of global access for women’s health, including universal abortion rights

Research Guide 

Topic 2: Discussing the issue of war refugees and humanitarian corridors in the Israeli-Palestinian situation

Research Guide 

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ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council

Topic 1: The issue of human capital flight

Research Guide 

Topic 2: Discussing the issue of grain supply during the Russian-Ukrainian situation

Research Guide 


DISEC - Disarmament and International Security Committee

Topic 1: The issue of the development of advanced missile and AI weapon systems

Research Guide

Topic 2: Reaching land and water demilitarization in Yemen

Research Guide 


SPECPOL - Political Committee

Topic 1: Resolving the situation in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh

Research Guide

Topic 2: Dealing with the surge of coups in Gabon

Research Guide


Security Council

Topic 1: The issue of the Israeli-Palestinian situation

Research Guide

Topic 2: Solving concerns around the corruption in Haiti

Research Guide


CoEU - Council of the European Union

Topic 1: The acceptance of Ukraine in the EU

Research Guide 

Topic 2:  Re-homing forcefully displaced people into EU countries from Morocco

Research Guide 

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SOCHUM - Social, Cultural,
and Humanitarian Committee 

Topic 1: The issue of the lack of subsistence and property rights of indigenous groups in Australia

Research Guide 

Topic 2: Evaluation of the humanitarian aid towards civilians in Syria

Research Guide


HSC - Historical Security Council 

Topic 1: The issue of US involvement in the Vietnam war

Research Guide

Topic 2: The Cambodian Genocide and Khmer Rouge (1978 to 1985)

Research Guide 

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